Hackemon 1.7.1 Bot Pokemon Go

Download Hackemon 1.7.1 Bot Pokemon Go

Download Hackemon 1.7.1 Bot Pokemon Go merupakan bot pokemon Go yang memiliki cukup banyak fitur diantaranya Auto Catch, Auto Evolve, Auto Transfers, snipe pokemon, dan masih banyak lagi fitur yang tersedia pada Hackemon 1.7.1 Bot Pokemon Go.Hackemon 1.7.1 Bot Pokemon Go ini resmi release atau dirilis beberapa hari yang lalu untuk membetulkan bug-bug yang ada pada Hackemon 1.7. serta menambah beberapa update fitur yang akan saya jelaskan dibawah postingan download Hackemon 1.7.1 Bot Pokemon Go ini.Dengan mendownload bot pokemon Go ini kalian akan dapat mensnipe pokemon Go dengan Hackemon

Hackemon 1.7.1 Bot Pokemon Go

Hackemon 1.7.1 Cheat Pokemon Go
Sebelumnya saya juga pernah memposting beberapa download bot pokemon Go, seperti download bot pokemon GO Necrobot , download bot pokemon Go Hackemon versi sebelumnya , dan download bot pokemon Go yang lainnya.Bot Pokemon Go atau Cheat Pokemon Go Hackemon dapat dikatakan bot atau cheat pokemon go terbaik saat ini.Saya mengatakan bot atau cheat Hackemon 1.7.1 meruapakan Bot atau cheat Pokemon Go terbaik bukan tanpa alasan, karena bot pokemon go ini memiliki fitur yang sangat lengkap salah satunya adalah Hackemon Snipe

Fitur Hackemon 1.7.1 Bot Pokemon Go

  • Runs on all PC Operating Systems : Windows,Linux,Mac,OpenBSD, etc..
  • Supports Google & PTC Accounts
  • Nice Intuitive Gui
  • Realtime Visualized Advanced Human Road Walking/Path finding with custom speeds and various presets
  • Visits all pokestops (non cooldowned) in the region based on many heuristics
  • Catches all pokemons while walking to pokestops
  • Consumes Raspberries when needed to gain a higher chance to catch a pokemon.
  • Multiple Parallel Async Rare Pokemon Sniping exploit (Very fast XP)
  • Utilitzes the best matching ball to catch the corresponding pokemon.
  • Lucky Egg Utilization for boosting XP.
  • Transferes the pokemons to the professor and gain candy
  • Auto Items Recycling
  • Auto collects Rewards on level up.
  • Lots of Humanization and other settings to set under the setting tab
  • Ban-safe
  • Easy Account Switch Feature

Perbaikan atau Fix pada download Hackemon 1.7.1

  • Fixed a bug introduced in v1.7 that caused duplicating items and pokemons exclude/include lists which is beleived to cause freezes.
  • Manual-Sniping input format now follows that of 'pokezz.com' : 'Pokemon latitude, longitude' e.g (Pikachu 48.935454, 2.328961)
  • All Lists now are multi-interval selectable , you can press ctrl+A to select all or ctrl+click specific elements to highlight the corresponding and then you can apply a task on the selected element like '<' button would remove all selected.
  • Fixed the taking-break minutes announced in log (it used to say the time for the next break and not the time for the current break)

Daftar Update Fitur Hackemon 1.7.1

Adanya tambahan 'SMART_MODE' mode berjalan baru yang menggabungkan ROAD_FLY ROAD_WALK
Download Hackemon 1.7.1
  • Added a fully featured break-handler to take random breaks between min & max values based on an array of options:
  • Take Break Every Random X minutes passed (Min,Max)
  • Take Break When X Pokestops Cap Reached
  • Take Break When X Pokemon Captured Cap Reached
  • Take Break When X levels were gained.
Download Hackemon 1.7.1 Bot Pokemon Go
  • Fixed a lot of various issues that messes with the smoothness and effeciency of the bot (start/stop/relog sometimes used to get stuck , however this is not related to getting stuck on 'accepting level rewards'
  • Fixed HTTP proxy selection (previously it was stuck to Socks mode only in code)
  • Fixed introducing catch-re-attempt human error factor (wasn't working in last update)
  • Pokemon capture now shows gained candy + Stardust (not sure why i didn't have that earlier =/)
  • Fixed live stats update for various tasks in which some didn't update the stats at all
  • Manual-snipe now accepts pokemon name as a 3rd argument in the text field instead of selecting it form a drop-down list in which many felt it was difficult : ex (-32.22,101.4443,Jynx)

Cara Install / How To Install Hackemon 1.7.1

Download file Hackemon 1.7.1 di link pada akhir artikel
Jalankan .bat file atau .jar file jika .bat tidak dapat bekerja dengan baik
Enjoy! Hackemon 1.7.1 Bot Pokemon Go

Download Hackemon 1.7.1 Bot Pokemon Go